Traditional pancakes from Norway
In Norway, pancakes are often made to be large and thin (except sveler and lapper)and look more like French crêpes than American pancakes...
...but unlike the French, we don't only enjoy pancakes as a dessert, here it's also served as lunch or dinner!
You can enjoy them with whatever you like! Favourite toppings include bacon, sweet brown cheese, butter and sugar. But one of the best and most commonly used toppings is blueberry jam!
Check out the recipe!
Pancakes are the perfect companion when hiking some of Norway spectacular mountains.
... and an integral part of the Norwegian friluftsliv tradition of enjoying the outdoors. Just remember to bring a frying pan!
Hot tip: Put the batter in a bottle! Easy to pack, spill-proof, and perfect for pouring.
Want to add a more personal touch to the recipe? Pick blueberries in the Norwegian woods and make your own blueberry jam!