Norway for
animal lovers
Feed reindeer, ride horses, and hold king crabs! Norway is an absolute dream for animal and wildlife enthusiasts.
1. Majestic moose
Catch a glimpse of the king of the forest on a moose safari. Moose roam freely in Norwegian forests and can turn up anywhere, so keep a safe distance in order not to spook them.
However, if you do want to get close to them, you can feed tame moose at nature parks like Elgtun, Langedrag, and Bjørneparken.
2. Wonderful whales
Head north to see enormous whales breaching in an Arctic environment. Board a ship to witness these amazing mammals in their natural habitat.
Increase your chances of seeing them by going on a whale safari off the coast of Andøya in Vesterålen, or outside of Tromsø.
3. Remarkable reindeer
Reindeer have always been an important part of Sami everyday life and culture.
You can feed them and go on sled rides, or if you're feeling adventurous, join their spring migration while Sami herders move them from winter pastures to summer calving and grazing areas along the coast. Anyone can take part, as long as they're in good physical shape.
4. Elegant eagles
Sea eagle safaris allow you to enjoy dramatic Norwegian scenery from an open boat.
Watch in awe as these glorious creatures swoop down to catch fish right in front of you. With a wingspan of up to 2.65 metres, sea eagles are the largest eagles in the world!
5. Hardworking huskies
Go dog sledding with well-behaved Alaskan huskies. You can take charge of the pack as a dog musher or enjoy the ride as a passenger. Either way, these diligent dogs are ready to go.
They also adore cuddles, so be sure to give them some love before heading off!
6. Pretty puffins
Enjoy a spot of birdwatching. Watch as colourful puffins dive for fish and gather to nest on steep cliffs along the sea.
They can be seen all year, but if you want to observe them nesting along cliffs in large quantities, be sure to visit places like Runde, Lovund, Bleik, and Svalbard during the spring and summer.
7. Adorable alpacas
Enjoy stunning scenery with a furry friend by your side. Go on a relaxing walk with an alpaca.
Alpacas are therapeutic, inclusive animals that enjoy leisurely strolls — perfect for all ages!
8. Mighty musk ox
Dovrefjell National Park is one of the few places in the world where you can observe the mighty musk ox in the wild.
These massive mammals can weigh up to 400 kilos, yet almost blend in with their surroundings. Join a guided safari and spot them from a safe distance.
9. Wonderful wolves
Have a magical meeting with a wolf. Learn more about these mystical animals by visiting their enclosures at Langedrag Nature Park or Polar Park.
Watch them as they play or just relax. If you're lucky, they might even approach you and give you a kiss.
You can also arrange an exclusive stay at Wolf Lodge, a small cabin nestled in the wolf enclosure of Polar Park.
10. Fun farm animals
Head out to a farm in the Norwegian countryside where you can meet goats, cows, sheep and pigs. Or say hello to smaller animals like rabbits and hens.
Some farms offer alpaca walks or pony rides, and most visitor farms have little cafés that sell local produce.
11. Happy horses
Let a majestic horse lead you through a gorgeous Norwegian forest, along a mountain trail, or across a white sandy beach.
Go on a guided tour with a horse that suits your level, or how about a cosy horse-drawn sleigh ride?
The Norwegian Fjord horse is Norway's national horse, and one of the oldest breeds in the world.
12. Exotic animals
Visit a zoo or aquarium to see animals from Norway and across the globe.
The largest zoo in the country is Kristiansand dyrepark, which also has an amusement park. It's a very popular holiday destination for Norwegian families.
Discover the fascinating sea creatures of the Norwegian fjords.
13. Kooky king crabs
This kooky king can be found at the bottom of the Barents Sea. Combine an exhilarating boat trip through incredible surroundings with a close encounter with this special crab.
There are actually over a hundred species of king crabs, and you can go on king crab safaris all year round in Norway.