Follow in the footsteps of Gjermund Nordskar, who hiked in 37 of Norway's 47 national parks and wrote a book about it! Get tips for how to avoid the beaten track and find trails in some lesser-known areas.
“Each of these national parks have a distinctive character with experiences for the whole family.”
You often hear that Norway is known for its clean, untouched nature. The core is the 47 national parks that are spread around the country.
Gjermund Nordskar has written the book Til topps i Norges nasjonalparker (“To the top of Norway’s national parks”) about his hiking trips where he spent 80 days in 37 of the national parks found in mainland Norway. He believes that the huge park areas are easily accessible for most people.“If you travel outside of the most visited areas, you can romp around in untouched nature that stretches longer than the eye can reach”, Nordskar says.
What to expect of a national park?
The national parks are partly vulnerable ecosystems and nature that Norway’s environmental authorities have decided to protect. 20,000 kilometres of hiking trails and cross-country skiing tracks are clearly marked with painted Ts, the sign of the Norwegian Trekking Association. In these areas, visitors will also often find accommodation offers.
Just on the outside of many of the parks, there are modern visitor centres with useful information and gear, usually where you normally park to enter. Remember to show respect for nature and animals, people, and local traditions. In short, leave the landscape as you would like to find it. The Norwegian Environment Agency has more information about protected areas.
Olav Nord-Varhaug runs the section for The national parks of Norway at the Norwegian Environment Agency.
“The nature in the national parks is robust. It can endure much more use than we see today”, he says.
Unseen photo motifs
Hikers are good at posting their national park experiences on social media. Gjermund Nordskar says that these posts are positive for raising awareness of the opportunities the national parks have to offer. At the same time, though, you’ll usually see images from only a few of the 47 parks on Instagram and Facebook.
Five parks off the beaten track
So, which of his favourite lesser-known parks would he send us to?
Nordskar quickly mentions Lomsdal-Visten in Helgeland, Seiland near Hammerfest in the far north, Breheimen north of the innermost part of the Sognefjord, and Rago and Sjunkhatten in Salten, just north of the city of Bodø in Northern Norway. All of them have a distinctive character with experiences for the whole family, he says.
“Lomsdal-Visten is known as ‘the unknown country’ and offers one of Norway’s last wildernesses.”
“Seiland offers a stunning island landscape in Finnmark’s archipelago.”
“Breheimen is a lesser-visited mountain range with numerous small glaciers and beautiful mountains. The park lies in the shadow of its big brother Jotunheimen.”
“Rago is a park for your inner adventurer, with amazing waterfalls and colours.”
“Sjunkhatten has wild nature and great contrasts. Here, white-tailed eagles hover above your head, and the steep mountain walls rise right up from the fjord. Sjunkhatten is also known as the ‘Children’s national park’ with kid-friendly activities.”
“The nature in the national parks can endure much more use than we see today.”
Fresh scents
Which smells from the national parks were left in Gjermund Nordskar’s nostrils after his 37 hiking expeditions?
“Well, it feels special to smell the sea when you stand on a high mountain. In Norway, we have numerous mountains, but also a lot of terrain with pine needles. Trøndelag comprises a lot of areas of marsh, including its seven national parks Lierne, Blåfjella-Skjækerfjella, Forollhogna, Femundsmarka, Dovrefjell-Sunndalsfjella, Skarvan, and Roltdalen. Even the wind on the mountain peaks has its own, fresh smell, which is unlike anything else. In the mountains, you simply smell clean oxygen”, tells Nordskar.
Dress code
When you’re going on a hike, remember to bring warm clothes – a warm jacket and pull-on trousers, as well as a woollen sweater. “If there is an accident, it is crucial to stay warm”, Nordskar emphasizes.
“Keep your hands warm. Always bring at least two pairs of gloves or mittens. One of them should be wind and waterproof. In rough weather, ordinary ski gloves are not sufficiently protective. When they get wet, they suck the heat out of your hands. Once your hands get cold, you lose the ability to use them to perform even the most basic things. Icy hands will also prevent you from picking up your smartphone to take great photos”, says Nordskar.
New tech – or map and compass?
Navigation and communication equipment is essential on long trips. In many mountain areas, mobile coverage is poor, so a personal tracker or similar gear can turn out to be useful. For navigation, a map and a compass is a must. Think of your GPSr only as a backup.
“Also bring a power bank to charge your mobile phone”, Nordskar recommends.
If you don’t feel that you have enough experience to venture into the great outdoors on your own, many local tour operators can help you experience nature in the best and safest way possible.
Slow walking
And if you have low ambitions for your trip?
“Then you can just hike a few steps into nature and lay in the heather. You can eat berries and take pictures”, Nordskar says reassuringly.
“You can also use one of the many local tour operators. Hiking guides know the wilderness.”
Eating well
Local food should be a part of your visit to a national park.
“Risotto cooked on a camp stove became my team’s most popular meal. Preferably accompanied by onions, garlic, cheese, and vegetables. Although the national parks have many eateries, my team did not visit these during our 37 trips, as the goal was to stay self-sufficient”, Nordskar tells.
Olav Nord-Varhaug says that the national park authorities think excellent food offers are an increasing part of the total hiking experience.
“High-quality local food, drink and accommodation make it easier for hikers to spend a whole day or more in nature. Many small places inside or just outside the national parks now have restaurants and other offers that stand out.”
You can get delicious local food made from the areas’ fresh ingredients in Lom, Langsua, Folgefonna, Hardangervidda, and many other parks.
Respect for nature
According to Nord-Varhaug, very little or no garbage is left behind by visitors in the national parks. “The hikers seem to be aware of the impact on the environment.”
Did Nordskar lose something during these 37 trips, things that have been left in nature?
“Yes, a cover bag for the tent. It was taken by the wind, and hopefully, it found a happy new owner. Otherwise, we kept surprisingly good control during our 80 days.”
Meet the animals
To observe rare animals, you should travel to areas where they thrive and come to eat and drink. “But make sure to read up on animal wildlife before you go hiking”, says Nordskar.
In the wilderness, you can stumble upon moose, reindeer, and rare birds. Don’t approach them – observe from a distance, and retract calmly. You might want to join a wildlife safari with guides who know where you’re most likely to spot the animals and, most importantly, how to stay safe – especially if you want to see species you shouldn’t seek out on your own, like musk oxen.
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